WP.1 (DEV) eStudent Management System
The eStudent Information System aims to keep and administer records and personal files for students. This system will be realized by innovative approach and knowledge management techniques allowing exchange of information among all stakeholders including students, professors, administration, University Management and Ministry of Education.
The system includes enrolment, registration of courses and electives, reporting and pro-active customized notification, student identification, authorization and accounting, controlled access, student eServices expressing the knowledge management and innovative features of the project, by the following deliveries:
WP.1.1 eEnrollment
This system includes modules to exchange info and automatic reporting, provides grading system, selection methodology, electronic registration and application, pro-active customized feedback, etc.
WP.1.2 eStudent activity
This module actually reflects the idea od all student services to be realized as eServices including registration of semester, courses, subjects and electives, class schedule, pro-active customized notification, administration of competed courses and ECTS, summary and reporting.
WP.1.3 eStudent identification and accounting
The goal is to introduce RFID or similar identification for students and enable authentication, authorization, accounting and access to university resources and services.
WP.1.4 eStudent Services and LMS
Previous modules concerned registration, while this delivery concerns links with other university services, like links to Learning Management System, social networking infrastructure, collaboration tools, library access and other types of pro-active customized notifications.
WP.2 (DEV) Assessment and certification
This workpackage aims to realize assessment and certification functionalities by following deliveries:
WP.2.1 eAssessment Management System
The goal of this delivery is to enable management of courses, subjects and electives, automatic exchange with eAssessment system, update of class activities, homework and project results, midterm and final exam results, evaluation of activities and assessment of knowledge by electronic access to students’ records.
WP.2.2 Europass CV, ECTS and Diploma supplement
This delivery will address reporting about successfully completed student activities, ECTS, quality of completed courses (GPA), and updating Europass CV.
WP.2.3 Register of eSkills & certificates
This delivery aims to enables electronic access to university record system, issuing of diploma supplement and other certificates, updating alumni data, summary and reporting about skills and knowledge.
WP.3 (DISS) Dissemination
The awareness campaigns will include promotion of: the new system, project results and deliveries. The campaigns will publish dissemination material and deliver presentations at dissemination events. The dissemination material will include printed information brochures; flyers and posters about the project activities and results.
WP.3.1 Web promotion and social networking
This delivery uses two most used media promotion channels: web promotion and usage of social networks, expressing innovative approach and knowledge management techniques. The first activity is realization of dissemination strategy and action plan, and then setting and updating web site and social networking channel.
Web publishing is important to meet relevant project objectives. The main goal is awareness raising campaign offering essential and detailed information about project deliveries. Usage of social networks is also a key technology and distribution media, especially for prospective students and young generations where the popularity of this kind of media is increasing.
WP.3.2 Dissemination events for awareness raising
The developed strategy within previous delivery also concerns realization of dissemination events for awareness raising campaign for wider target group. Presentations will cover the new system and the new electronic services environment. The strategy for presentations to prospective students will be defined. The activities cover preparation of presentations and promotional material, promotion at high schools, “open days”, conferences, fairs for prospective students, and advertising campaigns.
WP.4 (EXP) Exploitation
Sustainability concerns 1) enabling sufficient infrastructures and resources, 2) enabling human resources to administer the system and 3) enabling legislation. The project is sustainable and will last after the end of TEMPUS funding because: the Universities will continue to implement the proposed system, since it is high demanding; the new university management environment will continue to be used by both the staff and students, extracting the integration character of the universities.
WP.4.1 Strategy and infrastructure implementation
The first delivery addresses development of sustainability plan, realization of tendering process to purchase equipment, implementation and integration it by solving legacy issues.
WP.4.2 HR sustainability and trainings
This delivery concerns appointing human resources from both technical side and administrative side to maintain and administer the system. Appropriate trainings are also planned for appointed staff.
WP.4.3 Legal and financial sustainability
This delivery concerns changes in legislation to support usage of electronic documents as valid and to allocate budget for maintenance of the system.
WP.5 (QPLN) Quality control
Quality control is essential to add value to the realization of project objectives. All project outcomes will be monitored with appropriate reviews and quality approval documents.
WP.5.1 Methodology and Key performance indicators
This activity includes monitoring of activities by a number of progress indicators: quality of deliveries, quality of dissemination and sustainability strategies and action plans, evaluation of feedback.
WP.5.2 Internal evaluation of packages
New system design will be evaluated at five levels: by administration, professors, university management, Ministry of education, and by students. This will ensure high quality of the realized system.
WP.5.3 External quality audit (student focus groups, government representatives)
Referee reports will be given to approve the realized activities. The participants at the events will also express their user satisfaction and surveys will be used to address opinion of student focus groups and government representatives.
WP.6 (MNGT) Management
Project Management Team (PMT) is the executive body in the management. It consists of contact persons specified in the project. Steering committee will have decision making role and approve actions to fulfil project objectives. The steering committee will consist of Rector/Deans of beneficiary partners and contact persons from EU partners.
WP.6.1 Planning and management of activities
This activity specifies PMT coordination meetings in order to plan and organize all relevant activities to reach the project outcomes. 4 coordination meetings will be organized for discussion about activities schedule, analysis of problems and detailed plan. 20 Skype meetings will be organized (one per month) to address the management issues.
WP.6.2 Board and Steering Committee Meetings
4 Steering committee meetings (each 6 months) will be organized to evaluate the current project progress and make decisions for further actions. These are extremely important to address the key decision making personnel in project realization and implementation.
Steering committee makes decisions on activities to be taken to fulfil the project outcomes and meeting the performance indicators. The meetings will focus on realized activities and eventual reschedule; analysis of results and outcomes.
WP.6.3 Reporting
Reporting is realized by PMT and is activity to support organization of Steering Committee meetings by providing sufficient information for decision making body. Reporting includes detailed specification about performed activities, realization of project plan, identification of problems and obstacles that provokes delays, analysis of possible solutions to reach deadlines, matching performance indicators, quality control audits, external reviews etc.