Project Overview

Wider objective is to modernize student activities within University Management by innovative and knowledge management IT supported design with eServices capable to integrate in future eGovernment services in Europe and approaching Information Society with knowledge based economy.

Specific objectives are to develop design and enable conditions for realization of eStudent Information System for

·         enrolment process,

·         identity management, with authorisation and access control,

·         management of university services and resources usage (accounting),

·         administration of europassCV, ECTS, diploma supplement and other certification issuing

·         administration of student activities,

·         administration of registration and schedules of classes and assignments,

·         administration of academic results, including course, exam and study results.

The goal is not just to change the paperwork with electronic services, but to re-design workflow processes by innovate and knowledge management technologies.

To realize this wider objective we will learn from the experiences other EU universities have faced, how they resolved them and what new problems they have faced. The proposed activities will produce deliverables used by all beneficiary universities and will help implement the Bologna process and enter EHEA. To accomplish these outcomes we assume a good cooperation between partners and use of EU partners support and experience.

This project will result with a new sustainable strategic and reform capacity system that will enable services not only for all HE institutions, but to all interested students and community at all. This project has innovative characteristics that will enable open public and multilingual access, transparency in workflow activities, compatible to EU standards. It will function as a portal that will enable dynamic database system and will give a possibility for updated structured information, document flow and tracking of workflow activities.

We propose a system that will make all HE institutions meet the standards set by EU, integrated environment and easy transfer to and from other institutions, and establish an infrastructure for integrated University implementation.


WP.1 (DEV) eStudent Management System

WP.2 (DEV) Assessment and certification

WP.3 (DISS) Dissemination

WP.4 (EXP) Sustainability

WP.5 (QPLN) Quality control

WP.6 (MNGT) Management