Project Tempus JPGR 511342 - iKnow

SEEU- South Eastern Europe University, Tetovo, MK
Basic Data
Title: Professor
First name: Zamir
Last name: Dika
Name of the university: South Eastern Europe University
Name of the department or faculty: Faculty of Computer Sciences
Address: Ilindenska bb, SEEU
Country: R. Macedonia
Post code: 1200
Town: Tetovo
Management activities
SEE (South Eastern European) University is a private University which was established with a paradigm to function as integrated University supporting multilingual approach using the Bologna declarations and recommendations. However they lack a system for workflow and document management and will contribute in the project both with their experience to establish integrated University in the beneficiary country and also in the process of design and implementation of the workflow and document management infrastructure.
The contact person from SEE University in Tetovo is Prof. Zamir Dika. At present he is dean of the Faculty of Communication Technologies and vice rector of the University. SEE University is also partner in the existing TEMPUS CD JEP 18046 project.